Welcome to Melodies 4 Meals! We are a nonprofit organization solving hunger one concert at a time.
Our Mission
As a nonprofit organization, our sole interest is in helping those in need. We dedicate ourselves to working alongside musicians in order to fundraise through concerts and shows. When a musician agrees to work with us, they are sent a branded tip jar where they will gather donations. This money will then be donated to a food pantry in the same area as the concert, so donors will be able to impact their own local community.
We believe that through this fundraising, we will be able to provide families in need with the ability to get basic necessities in life, such as food and water. Through donating to us, you are able to have a significant impact on the people who need help most in your own community. We graciously thank you for helping to contribute to our mission.
Get Involved
For Musicians:
If you are a musician who wants to get involved with our organization, please email us at [email protected] expressing your interest. We will then send you an email with a few simple questions to get started, as well as specific instructions for how to send us the money collected. After this, you will be sent your tip jar, and will be ready to go!
For the Public:
Even if you are not a musician, there are still many ways to contribute! For example, we are always grateful for donations, no matter how small. Donations are the key way we are able to help those in need, and we are always thrilled to receive more contributions. If you would like to do even more, please consider following us on social media, where we will be posting updates about our mission, as well as where our tip jars may be. Our social media platforms are linked in the “Follow Us” section.
Follow Us
Please considering following us on our various social media platforms! On these, you will be able to learn more about our organization, find out where our tip jars may be, and meet some of the musicians working alongside us. We will also be providing information about how we have impacted various communities. We hope you will be willing to check us out on these platforms.
About the Founder
A letter from the founder…
Hello! My name is David Van Dam, and I am a rising Junior at Needham High School in Needham, Massachusetts. Before I begin, I want to thank you for checking out this organization, and being willing to contribute in whatever way is possible. My story of the founding of Melodies4Meals goes way back to when I was little. Whenever my family and I would take trips to a city, naturally, we would see homeless people throughout the day. Whenever we walked past a homeless person, my heart would always break for their situation, and I yearned for some way to help. Then, in 8th grade, I volunteered at a local food pantry. This was an eye opening experience for me, as I realized that there were so many ways to make a difference. However, I wanted to do something more than just breaking down boxes. I wanted to create something unique to myself, involving my interests, that would still allow me to help those in need. I have been playing Trumpet since I was 9 years old, and it has been one of my main passions throughout my life. I devote a great amount of time to musical commitments, and generally excel while doing them. This lead me to create Melodies4Meals, as it combines my love and passion for music with my desire to help those who need it most. Thank you for checking this organization out, and helping me with my mission!